It is time to be truly thyself.


The Trust Heal Be Thyself Series offers your the ultimate energetic tool kit for your to reclaim your personal power and have remembrance of the magic that you already hold within thyself.

A collection of the most potent tools to keep you and your soul happy, grounded, connected as you hold the key to heal thyself and receive healing, wisdom and guidance from your spirit team.

Activate your Inner Healer and deepen your connection to your intuition, clear, protect and ground your energy.

Ask Thy Akash and learn to read your Akashic Records for healing and guidance and even have the opportunity to become a certified Akashic Record Practitioner.

Receive and relax with Reiki Remedy Holy Fire Healing Experiences.

Journey with your soul via meditations and transmissions.

Find out more here:

Activate Your Inner Healer

This intuitive mentorship is ideal for someone who is wanting to embody more self-trust, self-love as their embark on their own personal healing journey. Created with compassion and understanding from my heart to yours and built upon the guidance and encouragement I desired when I started my own journey to trust, heal and be "myself"

During this intuitive mentoring series we open up your psychic abilities, reclaim your authentic power, remove blocks with tapping, implement numerous clearing and grounding techniques to transmute any interferences, whilst consolidating utter trust in thyself. 

Week 1

Setting clear intentions

Your commitment to transformation

Understanding your intuition

Learning to put yourself first

Self-love rituals

Week 2

Activating the main clair senses

Deepening your intuition

How to recognise blocks

How to remove blocks with tapping

Week 3

Triggers - what they are

How they affect us

Pushing through triggers

Setting boundaries

Understanding psychic boundaries

Clearing techniques

Grounding techniques

Week 4 

Embodying your authentic self

Learning to trust your inner guidance

Connecting to your Higher Self

Standing in your power

Sign up here:

Ask Thy Akash

International Certified Course

Learn to access and read your Akashic Records and channel guidance from a sacred space of unconditional love with zero judgement. Use this activating tool to receive direction and information to move forward and enable you to access your highest potential in all areas of your personal life.  

Claim your authentic divine power for a happy, centred and fulfilled daily life, knowing that you can access your personal spirit team of loving guidance to help you move forward potently at any time. 

Level 1

What are the Akashic Records

Learn to access, read and work in your own Akashic Records

How to release and heal blocks

Tapping into the past, aligning the present & calling forth future possibly timelines

Level 2 (prerequisite level 1)

Deep healing through the Akashic Records rewriting old beliefs

The story of you in the Akash

Understanding the true nature of all that is

Connecting to the records of your crystals/pets/homes/your business

Level 3 (prerequisite levels 1 & 2)

Ancestrial healing

Past life/ Inner child healing

Reclaiming your ancient wisdom

Calling in highest future timelines

Reading for clients

Upon completion of all three levels you will have the opportunity to qualify as an internationalised recognised Akashic Record Practitioner. Please contact Kelly directly for more details.

Sign up here:

Reiki Usui / Holy Fire III World Peace

International Certified Course

Become the healer and channel the universal life force of Reiki for stress reduction and relaxation.

Claim your authentic power to keep your energy levels high for a happy, relaxed and healthy daily life.

What is Reiki? A Japanese “laying on hands” technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing through the unseen life force energy which flows through us. If your life force energy is low, then you are more likely to feel stress or get sick and if it’s high, you are more capable of being happy and healthy, which we all understand is so precious more than ever right now. 

Reiki Level 1 Practictioner

Opening the Reiki channel

Heal Thyself

Shift from feeling lethargic to overflowing energy

Move from feeling burnt out from lack of life force energy to experiencing vitality 

Transform stress into a state of relaxation 

Turn confusion into clarity

Say good bye to feeling overwhelmed and embody self trust and confidence 

Reiki Level 2 Practictioner

Introduction of three Reiki symbols

Heal others near and far

Send distant Reiki to anywhere in the world 

Empower your goals

Activate additional power/balance during sessions

Send healing to the past and future, and not just the present moment 

Release unwanted habits

Reiki Level 3 Master Teacher

Initiation to the "Usui and Holy Fire master symbols"

Ability to initiate other people

Meditation experiences and embodiment

Activation of four spiritual ignitions

Placement of Usui Master symbol and the Holy Fire III Symbol

Advanced Reiki techniques

Deepened intuitive development 

Deep cellular healing

Techniques to release spirit attachments

Healing of the ego

Business set-up training

Currently available 1:1 via zoom/in-person.

Contact Kelly directly at [email protected] for access to this class.

Kelly now embodies, shares and teaches, the most recent Holy Fire energy upgrade world peace reiki

All details:

Hi, I’m Kelly,

a British born mum of two bouncy boys, now living in South Germany. It was through my own personal healing journey starting in 2015, that I was intuitively led to energy healing and angels. Now, a certified Akashic Record Practitioner, Reiki Usui & Holy Fire III Master Teacher, Angel Guide and Crystal Energy Guide, I also offer Atlantean and Lemurian Reiki, Crystal Reiki, and Goddess Isis Energy Healing and activations via meditation and light language, as well as angel and oracle cards readings. Services are available in English, German and French.

I work very closely guiding and mentoring others to equally step into trusting, healing and being their authentic selves. Reactivating self trust and energy awareness and management through my signature course “Activate Your Inner Healer”. To learn to heal thyself and others by channeling the universal healing energies of Reiki Usui / Holy Fire 3 from 1st practitioner level to master teacher level. Guiding my students to remember their divine connection to their own Akashic Records, how to access, read and work in this space to receive deep and transformational healing, coupled with infinite wisdom and guidance from a space of zero judgement and unconditional love, with the opportunity to equally become a certified Akashic Record Practitioner. 

Now is the time for you to stop giving away your authentic power, awaken your divine influence so you can command a life of respect and ease. Through the guidance of the Akashic Records, various angelic energy healing modalities including Reiki, I would be honoured to support you to journey with your soul. 

Learn more about me and my personal journey.

Appointments available on request: [email protected]

Tools to be your own magic, whilst taking care of you!

I work at my corporate job which affords me to offer my offerings at an attractive and affordable price. As this is my soul mission work and brings me joy this is why I want to get this shared out to as many people as possible so that they can flourish and self heal. Most akashic record trainings and mentoring programmes range from 2-10K and I have signed up for these which I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to do so. But it is my mission to make this available to those who cannot access it at such a high price point. For I am forever grateful for all my own teachings and guidance which I have received from my own mentors, who have enabled me to do the same for you too.

As a working single mum of two children, I equally needed to find a way to weave this all into my daily life when I started my own personal healing journey, a journey which ultimately continues to meander deeper, yes equally with curve balls at times. This is the way I learn, I work around my corporate job and my children and pre-recorded content makes this possible, as it makes life easier, reduces stress as you can go at your own pace.

I hope my offerings bring remembrance to thyself so that you can be your own healer and guide and weave your own magic light into your daily life.

My cuppa self-empowerment podcasts are here to empower you. So that you can equally trust thyself, heal thyself and unapologetically be thyself with ease and grace. No filter. So bring your cuppa to the table, get cosy, resonate and receive as your personal cuppa is filled with inspiration and empowerment from my wonderful guests and myself.

View all episodes here

If you are ready to stop giving away your authentic power, awaken your divine influence, so you can command a life of respect and ease, this school is a great place to start. 

I truly believe each and every one of us has the ability to tap into divine guidance and their own magic, so we can rediscover how to trust, heal and be our authentic selves. For me Trust Heal Be Thyself is the ultimate key to self-empowerment. To trust thyself, to heal thyself and to be thyself and not stay stuck as that person who others think you should or want you to be. To step into your heart, listen to your intuition and align yourself to your highest potential. This is a long life journey for us all, a journey to be celebrated with like-minded souls.

All courses allow you to cultivate a deeper trust in thyself so that ultimately you can access your inner guidance, connect with your spirit team and cultivate your own deep healing and wisdom. Tools which you can access anywhere at anytime so you can step into thy divine sovereignty with grace and strength.

Now is the time to Trust Heal and Be Thyself.

Why with Kelly?

Choosing to lean into spiritual mentorship with Kelly Leaning, will create very fast shifts in your consciousness and upgrade your ability to understand your unique gifts. Kelly has the ability to create dimensional portals, allowing you to see beyond everyday life and obtain deeper understanding of why things are happening to you. Kelly also transmits the energy of “empowerment” directly into your energetic aura, which supports you in making confident decisions, and shifting undesirable behaviors and thought patterns...almost like magic! Working with Kelly is a life changing decision that will highly accelerate you on your path to personal mastery.

Emily Harrison, Founder/Director of The Akashic Academy